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Responsible for Content:
Mag. Markus Stender, Rechtsanwalt
1010 Vienna, Oppolzergasse 6

Phone: +43 1 533 24 04
Fax: +43 1 533 24 04 - 12
E-Mail: office[a]
DPR: 0832791

VAT Numbers:
Mag. Markus Stender: ATU39540207
Dr. Martin Deuretsbacher: ATU49648706
Mag. Heinz Heher: ATU62742116
Mag. Reinhard Prugger: ATU57284469
Mag. Georg Koller: ATU69352112
Dr. Javier Ortega: ES7217313M

We are a partnership of independent lawyers governed by Austrian law and are subject to the relevant professional law ( and to supervision by the Vienna Bar Association (
Javier Ortega is lawyer after spanish law.

Disclosure pursuant to Section 25 Austrian Media Act [Mediengesetz]:
This website serves the purpose of presentation. The enterprise presented practices law as defined by the Austrian Lawyer's Code [Rechtsanwaltsordnung/RAO]. This website addresses clients of the lawyers Markus Stender, Martin Deuretsbacher and Heinz Heher, Reinhard Prugger, Irina Tolkacheva (of counsel) and Georg Koller and other interested parties.

TERMS & CONDITIONS sdh-attorneys at law 2018